ULA and Proprietary Hosting

Many organizations are at risk of failing an audit and violating their ULA with Oracle by engaging in “Proprietary Hosting” without realizing it. What is Proprietary Hosting? Proprietary Hosting is basically when an organization has a application, like a web application, that uses an Oracle database as a back end, and the application allows users who are not employees of the company to access the data, like employees of other companies, customers or prospects. As per Oracle’s definition 3 major […]

Oracle to Allow Proprietary Hosting on Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Oracle now allows Proprietary Hosting solutions to run from AWS (Amazon Web Services) if brought as BYOL (Bring Your Own License). Previously, Proprietary Hosting Solutions could only be run from the client’s on-premise infrastructure, or on Oracle’s cloud network. Miro has confirmed with the Oracle License Management Services team that licenses with Proprietary Hosting terms and concessions can now be allocated in a BYOL manner to the AWS platform as long as Oracle’s policies for applying such licenses are followed. […]

5 Ways Your Hosting Provider Can Put You Out of Compliance

Your Third-Party Hosting Provider may be putting you out of compliance. Unfortunately, your organization is liable if they do. Most providers have clauses in their contracts which absolve them of all responsibility. Is your hosting provider jeopardizing your compliance? Read more to find out. 1. Virtualized Environment Do you know if your Third-Party Hosting Provider is running your software in a virtualized environment? We find that Oracle can and will require licensing outside of their client’s own non-dedicated use for […]

8 Microsoft Audit Triggers

Microsoft Audits – Learn what 8 things are likely to trigger a Microsoft Audit in 2023 Don’t be fooled by Microsoft’s announcements on reducing their audits.  They have continued to audit their customers throughout the pandemic and beyond. While the recent COVID pandemic may have altered things a little, audits continue as usual. Despite Microsoft’s return on investment falling off in their 2022 fiscal year, their revenue, gross margin, and operating income all increased in the 17%+ area. So why […]

Oracle Java 17 Is Free To Use

“Oracle is making the industry leading Oracle JDK available for free, including all quarterly security updates.  This includes commercial and production use.” That is a direct quote from Oracle’s Tuesday, September 14, 2021 announcement. What this means for you is that if you can, you might upgrade and then use Oracle Java 17 free of charge for internal applications. This is because all the versions preceding Oracle Java 17 are for-fee. For Java 8, the last free public release is […]

Oracle JDK (Java Development Kit) Free for Use

On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, Oracle announced that it is making its “Oracle JDK available for free” even for commercial and/or production use, but the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is still a licensed product for a fee That’s welcome news. Let’s examine what that means. First off, this is only the Java Development Kit or “JDK” which again will be a separate download. Since Java SE 10, there has been a single download, but Oracle will now make the JRE […]

How Oracle Licensing Is Affected By Current Business / Industry / Technology Changes

Now more than ever decision makers are faced with difficult choices. A number of factors may be affecting your business, including loss of revenue due to pandemic, shift to remote collaboration, pressure to move to the Cloud, and striving to stay on top of industry and technology changes. Most of these decisions would likely have software licensing implications. Here are a few examples: Move to the Cloud: When choosing between on-premise, hardware hosting provider or Cloud platform, a proper comparison […]