Piracy Police could come knocking at your door!

Baseline Magazine recently published an informative article about what steps to take should you get an audit letter from the BSA. The process, as scary as it is, should be handled with care in order to come out with the smallest settlement possible, and avoid litigation if at all possible. What exactly is the BSA and what do they want with us? “The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the foremost organization dedicated to promoting a safe and legal digital world. […]

When BSA comes a-calling…..you better answer the door.

So, the BSA (that would be the Business Software Alliance and not the Boy Scouts of America) is coming down strong on software licensing and setting an example with six companies, who agreed to pay nearly three-quarters of a million dollars for unlicensed software.  Software from Adobe Systems, Microsoft Corp. and Symantec were being used without proper licensing. All the companies are required to settle claims monetarily, execute software licensing management best practices and adhere to their software licensing agreements […]

What is Software Licensing anyway?

Software licensing is a contract of agreement between the software publisher – e.g. Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe, to name a few – and the end user, sometimes referred to as the End User License Agreement, or EULA. Though software licensing can be a paper agreement, most often it’s embedded in the software itself as part of the installation process. You see this kind of EULA in every day life. Just over the weekend I installed some play software for my 6 […]