Oracle discloses paying a blogger

Oracle had claimed $1bn in damages from Google after claiming the search giant had used its technology to create the Android operating system. The suit was dismissed, although Oracle plans to appeal. Oracle revealed ‘relationships’ with blogger Florian Mueller of the FOSS patents website and Stanford University professor, Paul Goldstein.   Read more.

The Importance of Web Application Security

Just about every enterprise today has one or more web applications that facilitate doing business with the public. Informational web sites are just that – they provide useful information to people who want it, by putting it on the internet. Web applications, however, offer interaction with customers – a banking website, for example, lets customers access their accounts and do things such as pay bills, move money around different accounts, and so on. While you may fortify your network with […]

OWASP Top Ten Web Application Vulnerabilities #4: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-site request forgery or CSRF is a type of web application vulnerability wherein hackers trick authenticated users of your websites to submit information to a web application on behalf of the hacker without the legitimate user being aware of the fact. What the CSRF attack does is to trick the legitimate user into loading a hacker’s web page that uses the legitimate user’s credentials to perform malicious actions, masquerading as the user. For example, a successful CSRF attack will enable […]

The Amazon cloud outage and the future of Cloud Computing

Amazon’s cloud service, which provides services to several well-known companies, such as Quora and FourSquare, suffered an outage for more than 24 hours between April 21-22, at its Northern Virginia Data Center. Amazon spreads out its data cloud infrastructure throughout the country, but the clients who were being supported from this center have experienced downtime – meaning their users couldn’t log into the company’s websites. This brings up the question as to whether one of the strongest selling points of […]

SANS 20 Critical IT Controls #7: Application Software Security

While strengthening your network and perimeter security does keep potential attackers away, you do want people to access your web sites and web application, of course. Unfortunately, while most users access your applications and web sites for legitimate purposes, you can’t control the user input.

The Recent attacks on PayPal, Visa and MasterCard

One of the interesting fallouts from the Wikileaks revelations about U.S. and international diplomatic cables that revealed the inner machinations of foreign policy operatives, secrets is the attacks by Wikileaks supporters on various financial institutions that shut off the processing of monetary contributions to the Wikileaks organization. Of the three major financial giants impacted by the mass internet attacks, PayPal, Visa and MasterCard were the most affected entities. PayPal seems to have weathered the storm pretty well, but Visa and […]