One-minute Oracle Licensing Tip: Modifications

If your enterprise has installed any Oracle applications (including Hyperion, Siebel, PeopleSoft, etc.), the following piece of information is important and should be kept in mind. Many Oracle applications come bundled with the following restricted use licenses: • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition; and • Oracle Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition ‘Restricted use’ means you cannot modify, alter, or otherwise change these underlying products. The intent of restricted use is that you employ -and deploy – these products “as is” and […]

Greetings from OracleWorld!

Greetings from Oracle OpenWorld in SF. Well…the weather’s been great all in all. There are swarms of Oracle attendees here! Here, there, everywhere. The conference attendees’ have taken over downtown SF, which is remarkably clean and has a very good feel to it. The dining experiences so far are pricey but on the disappointing side. (And I’ve eaten at some expensive one’s thus far). Many veteran attendees say the conference has gotten too unwieldy and that Oracle should break the […]