
Support Renewal Management


Support Renewal Management


Miro helps companies navigate the complex maze of Oracle annual support rules, cost calculations and burdensome logistics. We offer a broad range of customized Oracle annual support renewal solutions that fits an organization’s specific need.


Oracle Support Renewal Management Program

1. Coordination of support renewal delivery with Oracle support sales department to ensure timely review, validation and reconciliation

2. Payment of support renewals to Oracle to avoid license termination due to lapse of support or accidental oversight

3. Confirmation of support renewal processing

4. Customized invoicing of support renewals on a departmental, divisional, project, product, application or CSI basis

5. Annual reconciliation of software license inventory against support renewal inventory

6. Projected reduced annual support cost over 3 year management timeframe

7. Customized quoting and invoicing.  Miro manages all of the back end logistics

5%-10% savings from annual support bill over three years

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Why is Miro’s SRM program needed?

Oracle has a complicated process to renew support that includes:

  • Online validation/verification
  • Complex two or three price tiers
  • Limited or unclear reduce support cost options

Miro’s SRM (Support Renewal Management) Program will:

  • Simplify the process
  • Customize the renewal procedures
  • Reduce the annual renewal cost
  • Eliminate the time-consuming, frustrating burden