Follow these steps to start collecting data in AWS Cost & Usage Reports
To learn more about our AWS Cost Optimization service, please click here.
To learn more about our AWS Cost Optimization service, please click here.
1. Sign into the AWS Console as an admin user (with necessary permissions)
2. Go to the Billing Dashboard by clicking on your name or organization name at the top right of the page.
3. Select Cost & Usage Reports from the menu on the left.
4. Click Create Report.
5. In the Report Content page:
a. Enter a Report name (myCUR).
Check the box to enable the following options:
b. Include resource IDs (check this box)
c. Data refresh settings (check this box)
d. Click Next.
6. Under Delivery Options, where it says S3 Bucket – required, click Configure.
7. In the Configure S3 Bucket dialog window, create a new bucket, name it (in this example ssinghcb1), and confirm the region.
8. In the Verify policy dialog window, first
a. check “I have confirmed that this policy is correct”
b. and click Save.
9. In the Delivery options page, enter the following items:
a. For Report path prefix, enter “cur” without the quotes.
b. For Time granularity, check Hourly.
c. For Report versioning, check Overwrite existing report.
d. For Enable report data integration for, select Amazon Athena
e. Click Next.
10. In the Review page, scroll down and click Review and Complete.
You will return to the Cost & Usage Reports page, where you should also see the following:
1. In the My Billing Dashboard page, click Cost and Usage Reports.
2. Under AWS Cost and Usage Reports, you will see the S3 bucket you created earlier. In this case, the bucket name is ssinghcb1. Click on this bucket name.
3. In the S3 Bucket page (ssinghcb1 in this case), click on cur/.
4. In the cur/ page, Click on myCUR.
5. In the myCUR/ page, click on myCUR/.
6. In the myCUR/ page, click the folder year=[YYYY]/. In this case, it is year=2022/ as this was created in March 2022. For you, it will appear as the year you created the report.
Example: You created the report on May 2021, so the folder will be year=2021/.
7. Click on month=[M]/. In this case, it is month=3/ as this was created in March 2022. For you it will appear as the year you created the report.
Example: You created the report on May 2021, so the folder will be month=5/.
8. In the month=[M]/ page:
a. select myCUR-00001.snappy.parquet
b. then, click the Download button above it.
To learn more about our AWS Cost Optimization service, please click here.
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