Security Breaches – How Bad Are They?

We have all heard about the recent security breaches – Sony, Amazon, LastPass – but the question is, what is the cost of those breaches? Aside from embarrassment – how bad is it for the company. Here is a breakdown of the various costs associated with a breach: Fixing what’s broken – strengthening existing IT security to prevent another breach Replacement – if physical items were stolen Credit monitoring – anyone affected by the breach will be vulnerable to identity […]

Oracle Announces Oracle Database Firewall product

Oracle has just announced a brand new database security product, named Oracle Database Firewall. Oracle Database Firewall is the name for the database activity monitoring capability previously offered by Secerno, the British firm, which was recently acquired by Oracle. Oracle seems to be on solid ground when it claims that the new product provides zero day protection from security threats, because the tool works in real time by working not within the database itself, but by monitoring database activity at […]

China indigenous innovation policy could stifle innovation, foreign investment

There has been a flurry of press about China’s Indigenous innovation policy, which will threaten US intellectual property rights. The policy requires companies to develop their intellectual property in China if they want to qualify for preferences under that country’s government procurement program. U.S. companies are concerned that they will lose big, and President Obama has even stepped in to work with Chinese officials to come to some sort of agreement. He also plans to address the piracy taking place […]

$200 MM verdict against Microsoft stands; Company slapped with an additional $90+ million

  The $200 million jury verdict in the i4i-v-Microsoft patent infringement case still stands, but the Texas judge has added another $40 million+ in additional damages to be paid by Microsoft. US District Judge Leonard David upheld the decision against Microsoft and decided that the infringement was willful and ordered that additional compensation to i4i for damages – $37 million in post trial interest & $40 million in punitive damages. The judge has also ordered Microsoft to shutdown all sales […]

BSA – Harassers?

We recently blogged about two UK companies – RedPC and Overclockers – getting in trouble with the BSA over alleged software piracy. CRN in the UK recently wrote a follow-up story to the original news report about the BSA‘s aggressive procedures claiming they were taking these companies to court for simply not filling in a form. As we have said before, being audited by a software vendor or an organization like the BSA is nothing to joke about – if […]

What is Software Licensing anyway?

Software licensing is a contract of agreement between the software publisher – e.g. Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe, to name a few – and the end user, sometimes referred to as the End User License Agreement, or EULA. Though software licensing can be a paper agreement, most often it’s embedded in the software itself as part of the installation process. You see this kind of EULA in every day life. Just over the weekend I installed some play software for my 6 […]