This is an age both of an unprecedented amount of data breaches as well as an age of audits and auditors that have taken a much more serious stand about financial data integrity, following debacles such as Enron. Through internal development efforts and key acquisitions (such as Logical Apps), Oracle has put forth a comprehensive set of GRC tools, especially for companies that have deployed financial apps such as the Oracle E-Business Suite.
It’s a well known fact that the GRC market is still in an evolutionary phase, with several smaller companies (Paisley, for example) and industry behemoths such as Oracle actively seeking to establish a toehold in the as the yet incompletely understood market. As with most GRC solutions, implementing Oracle GRC solutions is going to be a major endeavor – however, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you’re implementing what probably is the best solution out there today, especially if you’re an Oracle E-Business Suite user.
While there are a number of E-Business implementers, there seems to be a shortage of outfits that can provide a comprehensive Oracle GRC implementation service, apart from Oracle itself. The reason is simple: implementing a comprehensive Oracle GRC solution requires vendors to be skilled on several fronts at once: they need to understand the Oracle E-Business architecture, the Oracle Database itself, the GRC technical side that’s based on the new Oracle 11g Fusion Middleware, and finally, the Oracle GRC products such as the Oracle Enterprise GRC Manager and the Oracle Enterprise GRC Controls.