Survey: Complexity and Legacy IT Delay Cloud Adoption

A recent survey of 300 CIOs and senior IT professionals by communications firm NTT reveals that existing IT infrastructure in the enterprise has caused CIOs around the world to question whether implementing cloud-based solutions right away is a good idea. Some interesting data from the survey:

  •  More than half of CIOs (58%) say the complexity of their existing IT infrastructure is enough to give them pause about deploying a new cloud solution.
  • 49% of CIOs say that adopting cloud solutions would enable their companies to expand into other regions
  • 65% of CIOs have deployed cloud solutions as a way to bolster existing services, demonstrating that cloud services aren’t being adopted for the sake of replacing the current infrastructure.

It’s kind of like the idea of upgrading to a new desktop computer. Sure, the newer models are faster and have better features, but the idea of switching everything over and the process involved and the TIME involved is daunting…that it almost doesn’t seem worth it. We see many IT execs make moves when it’s necessary, versus being proactive, for just that reason. Oftentimes, time, effort and money is spent changing over to the latest and greatest technology movement, only for something bigger and better to be released upon completion – I am sure everyone reading this knows exactly what I mean!


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