Oracle now allows Proprietary Hosting solutions to run from AWS (Amazon Web Services) if brought as BYOL (Bring Your Own License).
Previously, Proprietary Hosting Solutions could only be run from the client’s on-premise infrastructure, or on Oracle’s cloud network. Miro has confirmed with the Oracle License Management Services team that licenses with Proprietary Hosting terms and concessions can now be allocated in a BYOL manner to the AWS platform as long as Oracle’s policies for applying such licenses are followed.
What’s Proprietary Hosting:
A Proprietary Hosting Solution is any custom implementation of software that includes Oracle Database (and other Oracle Tech products) to support a solution accessible to multiple non-employee end user clients to use. The implemented software must be custom developed by the company, not a software solution licensed through a Third-Party, for use by multiple clients and usually delivered as a Software-as-a-Service solution accessible from the Internet.
Two important restrictions remain.
- They need to be mindful of the SE2 limits as noted in the “Licensing Oracle Software in the Cloud Computing Environment” in the following link, Oracle counts licensing differently on third party clouds like AWS than it does its own cloud and on-premise solutions.
- Customers using AWS RDS with License Included service cannot deploy Proprietary Hosting based applications.
Amazon Web Services Links Regarding Oracle BYOL Use: