Tag: piracy

China indigenous innovation policy could stifle innovation, foreign investment

There has been a flurry of press about China’s Indigenous innovation policy, which will threaten US intellectual property rights. The policy requires companies to develop their intellectual property in China if they want to qualify for preferences under that country’s government procurement program. U.S. companies are concerned that they will lose big, and President Obama has even stepped in to work with Chinese officials to come to some sort of agreement. He also plans to address the piracy taking place […]

The BSA has been busy!

In the last month the BSA has publicized 4 separate settlements resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars: 1. A Georgia woman was fined $250,000 for selling counterfeit software on eBay. 2. Argus Technical Services of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) of Madison, Wisconsin paid a combined $145,000 for having unlicensed copies of Adobe, Microsoft and Symantec office software installed on its computers. This lead came from BSA’s online tip form! 3. Author Solutions of Bloomington, IN […]

2 out of 3 IT Executives Believe they Would Fail a software audit

A new study from the management appliance company reveals nearly two thirds of IT executives believe their companies have not taken the right steps to assure that their licensing is in compliance and are unprepared for a software audit. They surveyed 350 respondents about software licensing compliance and software audits and over half revealed that they tracked their licensed manual or not at all. Not keeping track of licensing or poorly doing so is only asking for trouble, especially in larger enterprises where the fees […]

Piracy is no joke in Nigeria…

I just read a story from IDG News about a recent raid and arrest at a television station in Nigeria. The operation, led by STRAP – Strategic Action Against Piracy – included a raid and search of two offices under suspicion of copyright infringement. STRAP arrested 8 people, including the managing director of the company! We thought fines from the BSA were bad – these guys are serious! Not in compliance with an Oracle license – go directly to jail, […]

One Million Dollar Motivation…

BSA sure knows how to incentivize people to stamp out software pirates.  In an effort to capture these “pirates,” BSA announced the expansion of their $1 million dollar reward program to include the illegal sale of software over the Internet, such as auctions of unlicensed software. BSA has already paid out $58,000 in reward money to just 14 individuals who have reported software piracy.  A majority of the reporting comes from within an organization, from employees in their current or […]

Microsoft Vista Loophole Hoopla

The big enterprise software licensing news last week came from the sensational story It’s official: upgrade hack included in Vista SP1 by Scott Dunn.  It’s hard to say if this is truly responsible journalism or now, but the story definitely has legs. Granted…software licensing is complex and can be difficult to interpret based on the ever-changing rules, but that’s no reason why these “Microsoft Windows experts” should purposely write a story that’s not quite accurate.   Dunn claims that there […]

Hot List!

The BSA rampage seems to be a hot topic on our blog these past few weeks so I thought it would be of interest to add a “hot list” that I came across from EnterpriseITPlanet.com. This one was recently posted by the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), which has the same mission as that of the BSA. The list includes the most pirated software applications last year which they may consider “low hanging fruit” for 08 – beware! 2007 Software […]

BSA Gets another one!

Another “victim” of the BSA – a Denver, CO based door manufacturer was hit with over $92,000 to settle claims on unlicensed use of Microsoft and Symantec software. For a small local company that makes doors, that’s a serious amount of money to part with for something like this. According to the BSA, 35% of the software installed in 2006 was installed without legal licenses, amounting to nearly $40 billion in global losses because of software piracy and that 21% […]

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