Tag: SLA

Compliance Validation Best Practices

Get it in writing. Get all assumptions clarified and then confirmed in writing. You don’t want to assume anything and any discussion or email in which you are getting the best leverage should be mentioned in detail within your agreement. We see a lot of our clients – even the largest Oracle enterprise – treat emails and verbal discussions as legally binding agreements, which is untrue in the case of an Oracle software licensing agreement. It is not up to […]

Good time for companies to consider reviewing SLAs

The ending of a financial quarter or year-end have been traditionally good times to review and re-up software licensing agreements. Though not always the case, it is still a time when many SLAs are reviewed and discussed between the corporate enterprise and the software vendor. Dependent on the degree of concessions and “value-add” placed into your contract, the timing will make a difference. We’ve been encouraging many of our clients to begin reviewing their Oracle and Microsoft assets and SLAs now so that any contract […]

Hyperion pricing increases June

On June 1, 2009 Oracle will be licensing all purchases of Hyperion software under the standard Oracle licensing model. Under Hyperion’s old licensing model, multiple and complex pricing levels existed with separate pricing for items such as server fees, testing & development and various pricing for multiple user roles. Under the new model, Hyperion’s pricing will follow Oracle’s simpler licensing model. However, user licenses on Hyperion software will increase in price on June 1. If your organization currently has -and will continue […]

Microsoft Select 3-Tier Licensing Agreements

For Select licensing programs, there are three separate components: Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA), Select License Agreement, and Select License enrollment.  The 3-tier agreement structure was created to allow organizations with multiple affiliates or geographies to have more flexibility. Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MBSA) is required for any and all Select purchases. This is the master agreement that outlines contract terms common to Microsoft licensing, service, and support agreements and needs to be signed only once with or […]

Quick Byte: Oracle Licensing Tip #1

According to Oracle licensing rules, multi-core processors are to be counted as a single CPU in Standard Edition products. However for the Enterprise edition, the Oracle licensing rule is different…each core will be counted as a separately, but with pricing discounts. Recently, on a Pythian Group blog, Mark Brinsmead smartly pointed out that recent changes to Oracles licensing rules for the Standard Edition may result in higher pricing. He rightly pointed out that “When licensing Oracle programs with Standard Edition […]

The early bird gets the worms….

It’s no secret that the Oracle sales process is geared toward the end of the quarter – leaving sales rep less capable to offer aggressive discounts. If you are planning on making a large software purchase – don’t wait until the end of anything – month, quarter or year. Sales reps are pushing to close the big deals at the end of their cycle and will likely push your own contract to the back burner with bigger fish to fry.   […]

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