Tag: Symantec

Symantec’s Crazy Talk

I recently read an article where Symantec claims that Virtualization could end long term software licensing in favor of a pay per use model – which could even be paid per day, hour or even second. Because usage can be monitored for each instance the software is used you only pay for actual usage. I tend to think that vendors will have a hard time agreeing to this type of licensing agreement as they stand to lose – long-term – […]

Hot List!

The BSA rampage seems to be a hot topic on our blog these past few weeks so I thought it would be of interest to add a “hot list” that I came across from EnterpriseITPlanet.com. This one was recently posted by the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), which has the same mission as that of the BSA. The list includes the most pirated software applications last year which they may consider “low hanging fruit” for 08 – beware! 2007 Software […]

BSA Gets another one!

Another “victim” of the BSA – a Denver, CO based door manufacturer was hit with over $92,000 to settle claims on unlicensed use of Microsoft and Symantec software. For a small local company that makes doors, that’s a serious amount of money to part with for something like this. According to the BSA, 35% of the software installed in 2006 was installed without legal licenses, amounting to nearly $40 billion in global losses because of software piracy and that 21% […]

When BSA comes a-calling…..you better answer the door.

So, the BSA (that would be the Business Software Alliance and not the Boy Scouts of America) is coming down strong on software licensing and setting an example with six companies, who agreed to pay nearly three-quarters of a million dollars for unlicensed software.  Software from Adobe Systems, Microsoft Corp. and Symantec were being used without proper licensing. All the companies are required to settle claims monetarily, execute software licensing management best practices and adhere to their software licensing agreements […]

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