Tag: software audits

What’s the biggest Microsoft licensing issue?

Boy! We get this question all the time. Cost. The cost- Enterprise Agreement, in particular – has come under increased scrutiny during the recent economic stress. Both IT and Financial executives are questioning the value of their licensing and support dollars. This scrutiny is not lessening as businesses respond to the economic recovery and start to move forward with new applications and systems requiring new infrastructure and software. If anything, it may be increasing. Clients are – and should be […]

Nearly 70% of IT Executives Believe They Would Fail a Software Audit

Sixty-nine percent of IT executives believe that they would fail a software audit, according to King Research, a California-based marketing research company. Nearly 3 out of 4 surveyed believe they are not prepared for a software audit and 60% believe they have unlicensed software deployed. Over half (56%) track their licenses manually or not at all with less than 10% using a fully automated system. Not keeping track of licensing or poorly doing so is only asking for trouble, especially […]

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