Category: IT Security

10 Best Practices for Moving Oracle to the Cloud

If you’re running Oracle Database, you might wonder whether it’s the right time to migrate to the cloud. Miro Consulting, along with the cloud migration experts at Pythian, addressed these topics recently in a collaborative webinar. It will show you how to migrate in a safe and cost-effective way by knowing up front: Topics: The Oracle license implications of migrating to the cloud How you can save on Oracle Support costs if you’re considering OCI Why it’s important to define […]

Database Security Trends and Tips from the Trenches

Miro Consulting’s resident database expert Sam Alapati was recently published in Information Management Magazine addressing security tips from his years of experience in the industry. The piece addresses firewalls, encryption, identity management, GRC and cloud computing. Check out the full article here.

Web Browser Security, Evaluated.

We have talked about web browser security in the past, but since it’s something we use every day, multiple times, we wanted to share another piece with you from Miro’s Sam Alapati from SC Magazine. Sam goes deep into every browser out there, what vulnerabilities each have and how to get the most protection out of them. Firefox, Chrome and IE are at the top with all three offering security features to protect the user, although many do not utilize […]

Vulnerability of your..Voicemail?

Yup, another target for hackers – voicemail. It falls pretty low on the totem pole of items to secure, and leaves many vulnerabilities for that reason. For example, a mobile phone will rarely ask you for a password when you call from your own phone – what happens if you lose it? Anyone who picks it up can dial in and listen to your messages. eSecurityPlanet’s Robert McGarvey recently wrote an interesting piece on the subject which offers tips for […]

Security Breaches – How Bad Are They?

We have all heard about the recent security breaches – Sony, Amazon, LastPass – but the question is, what is the cost of those breaches? Aside from embarrassment – how bad is it for the company. Here is a breakdown of the various costs associated with a breach: Fixing what’s broken – strengthening existing IT security to prevent another breach Replacement – if physical items were stolen Credit monitoring – anyone affected by the breach will be vulnerable to identity […]

How to Avoid a Giant Security Breach

Security breaches are bad news, for everyone involved. Some companies don’t come back from them – others take years to gain their reputation back, not to mention the huge costs of upgrading the network to prevent it from happening again. Miro’s security expert Sam Alapati just published a Front IT Blog on ITInsideronline about preventing such a breach. He offers some really simple, yet important, tips for securing your organization. Check it out!

Which browser is the most secure?

One good way to assess the security of a web browser is to see how it fares in testing against socially engineered malware. Why is this test important? Because socially engineered malware is the most significant internet threat today. A test performed by NSS labs in 2010 showed that Internet Explorer 8 offered the best protection against socially engineered malware. While Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple’s Safari browser have improved over time, IE has proven to be far superior […]

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