Category: DSS (Data Security Standard)

Who’s doing what with your data – need for an identity management system and auditing

The sensational revelations of the inside action of international diplomacy are still being revealed by WikiLeaks, which has access to a stash of about a quarter million of secret diplomatic messages between the State department and the U.S. embassies around the world. Of course, the revelations caused a red faced State department to fulminate about violations of national security by Wikileaks. The State department has just unveiled the cloak of mystery regarding exactly how the secret messages were accessed and […]

Web Application Vulnerabilities – way too common!

Web applications are common to practically every company that uses the internet. Even if a company uses the well-known Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and utilizes sophisticated firewall protection, the very fact that it can’t control what users can input into their web forms, introduces several avenues that a malicious person can use to attack the company’s data. Top web application researcher and practitioner Dafydd Studdard and his colleagues have tested thousands of web applications for security assessments over the years. […]

The Recent attacks on PayPal, Visa and MasterCard

One of the interesting fallouts from the Wikileaks revelations about U.S. and international diplomatic cables that revealed the inner machinations of foreign policy operatives, secrets is the attacks by Wikileaks supporters on various financial institutions that shut off the processing of monetary contributions to the Wikileaks organization. Of the three major financial giants impacted by the mass internet attacks, PayPal, Visa and MasterCard were the most affected entities. PayPal seems to have weathered the storm pretty well, but Visa and […]

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