Tag: BSA

BSA Spends The Big Bucks

They aren’t joking around – Forbes.com reported today that the BSA spent $360,000 in the second quarter to lobby on patent reform, data security and other issues. They lobbied on new legislation that would create a “new coordinator for intellectual property issues” and improve federal efforts against piracy. This is a sign of things to come – with Microsoft, McAfee and HP behind this agency, they plan on taking piracy issues to the top – and cracking down on offenders. […]

BSA Piracy Study

The BSA has put out their 2007 Piracy Study, which has revealed Software piracy in just 8 states in the US (AZ, CA, FL, IL, NV, NY, OH, TX) cost vendors  an estimated $4.2 billion, which is higher than the national figure for all other countries in the world except China.  Lost revenues to software distributors and service providers were an additional $11.4 billion, for a total tech industry loss of more than $15 billion.  $15 Billion – that is […]

BSA gets 4 more…

The BSA has gotten four more companies in the UK – so called “pirates” – and reached out of court settlements with them. Blitz Corporation, Genetics of Ludlow, Sheffield-based MTL Group and Modular UK all reached settlements described by the BSA as “running into tens of thousands of pounds”. Blitz was operating approximately 15 PCs containing unlicensed copies of Adobe, Microsoft and Quark software, as well as illegally using OEM editions of Microsoft Windows XP and Vista, and unlicensed student […]

BSA is at it again!

Okay, remember how we have been warning about the BSA and how they are after companies that have pirated software? Well…here is a prime example. They have just filed to court orders again RedPR Services and Overclockers in the UK, which could cost them thousands of dollars – all because they failed to complete an audit required by the BSA. You’ll see a lot of these court orders in the coming year – and there will be many unheard of […]

BSA and IDC confirm increase in piracy in 2007…

The BSA, together with IDC, put out their annual piracy survey this week concluding that some software piracy has fallen across the globe but the worldwide rate has risen three points to 38%.   According to John Gantz at IDC “By the end of 2007, there were more than 1 billion PCs installed around the world, and close to half had pirated, unlicensed software on them.” Losses jumped from $8 billion to $48 billion for software companies – the BSA is […]

One Million Dollar Motivation…

BSA sure knows how to incentivize people to stamp out software pirates.  In an effort to capture these “pirates,” BSA announced the expansion of their $1 million dollar reward program to include the illegal sale of software over the Internet, such as auctions of unlicensed software. BSA has already paid out $58,000 in reward money to just 14 individuals who have reported software piracy.  A majority of the reporting comes from within an organization, from employees in their current or […]

Piracy Police could come knocking at your door!

Baseline Magazine recently published an informative article about what steps to take should you get an audit letter from the BSA. The process, as scary as it is, should be handled with care in order to come out with the smallest settlement possible, and avoid litigation if at all possible. What exactly is the BSA and what do they want with us? “The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the foremost organization dedicated to promoting a safe and legal digital world. […]

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