Tag: intellectual property

Internal IT Innovation Versus Intellectual Property of Software

As in the case of Alice Corp. Pty. V. CLS Bank International, there is a convoluted mess when it comes to the degree in which innovative ideas using computerized media can qualify for patent protection under the legalese “subject matter eligibility.” Software vendors need the protection of their investments in innovation. And since many organizations are developing their own innovations in-house, they need to be able to clearly understand their own rights to protect themselves, but also the rights of […]

Piracy Hurts Everyone

Software piracy is not just about downloading illegal software, getting it “for free” from a friend or installing counterfeit software. It’s more than that. Piracy is about stealing intellectual property. And, software licensing at the enterprise level – though called “compliance” – is a form of piracy. Though in the case of enterprise software, it’s more than likely that the non-compliance is not deliberate. This Microsoft video is overly dramatic, but well done.

Quick Byte: Oracle Licensing Tip #1

According to Oracle licensing rules, multi-core processors are to be counted as a single CPU in Standard Edition products. However for the Enterprise edition, the Oracle licensing rule is different…each core will be counted as a separately, but with pricing discounts. Recently, on a Pythian Group blog, Mark Brinsmead smartly pointed out that recent changes to Oracles licensing rules for the Standard Edition may result in higher pricing. He rightly pointed out that “When licensing Oracle programs with Standard Edition […]

Named User Plus Licensing

We’re not often asked about Named Users, but questions should arise.  The most commonly misunderstand situation in software enterprise compliance is the need for licensing to cover non-production environments (e.g. development, test, archive, etc.).  This is one of the most common areas of having either over licensed -which means corporate IT is overspending- or have under licensed -which means the company is out of license compliance. When licensing by Oracle’s Named User Plus metric there are several things to consider […]

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