Tag: Oracle

Open source versus commercial licenses

Increasingly, open source has become a mantra within IT.  Their two trains of thought on open source and commercial licensing.  The first, of course, is that developers should have an opening community and share in share alike.  The other school of thought is that we need to keep our processes proprietary.  Oracle offers a dual licensing model to customers.  Companies have a choice of either an open source OSI-certified license that allows you use open-source software like Berkeley DB or […]

Licensing Profit Margins to Implode?

Gartner analyst William Snyder addressed software licensing at the Gartner Emerging Technologies Conference a little over a week ago, highlighting that software profit margins will erode, pricing will increase, all due to the fact that only a few big players exist in the market creating a oligopoly. Software budgets are continually under pressure from CEOs hoping to use a large portion to invest in new technology, when in reality they end up blowing their whole budgets on maintenance and licensing fees. […]

In Miami….

We just spent a long weekend in Miami and the NY Times Sunday, April 6th edition runs an article in their Travel section about Miami “Babylon on a Budget: A Weekend Challenge” by Matt Gross. His first paragraph is absolutely spot on and I will shamelessly quote it directly: “There’s a very fine line between tackiness and glamour, and in Miami Beach–itself a very fine strip of sand- that line sometimes vanishes. Is that maximum blonde’s minimal swimsuit cringe-making or […]

Oracle licensing revenue up slightly is not a need to panic

So, I’ve waited until the reporters, stories, rumors and commentary has died down somewhat before weighing in on Oracle (ORCL, Fortune 500) third quarter earnings.  OK, so the numbers didn’t quite meet projected growth.  Did people really expect that to happen with today’s environment and Oracle aggressive acquisition strategy? The theory that companies will stop buying applications or “squeeze more” out of their current applications to save money is just not realistic. A company can stop buying new Oracle licenses, […]

The Supply Management Promise

We have long been a resource for Oracle software licensing to our clients.  From time to time, we get inquiries about other Oracle or software-related issues – anywhere from database management to what to do with the latest patches.  While we can answer some of these questions, it’s not really our area of expertise and that’s why we have formed alliances with other companies.  This year, we’ve decided to highlight our partners through various marketing activities including webinars.  We hope […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week ·         Silicon Republic Directors could be jailed for unlicensed software ·         Enterprise IT Planet Software Piracy Watchdogs Are on the Prowl ·       Infoworld Users fed up over software licensing, pricing tactics ·       Network World UK group: Software licensing is misleading consumers

To Upgrade or not to Upgrade…

SearchOracle.com just wrote an interesting piece this week on the trials and tribulations of going through an upgrade process on existing enterprise software. Mark Brunelli emphasizes the importance of doing your research ahead of time – know what the new features are, or what features may have been done away with – before making the decision to upgrade. Just because it’s called an upgrade, doesn’t always mean that it will serve as an advantage to your business. Another important factor […]

Governance, risk and compliance….oh my!

Private and public sector executives alike are under pressure today to increase their understanding of governance, risk and compliance (GRC) issues -and their ability to respond to them. They are expected to deliver against a range of key performance indicators, including profitability, customer satisfaction, revenue growth, etc. And then there’s increasing demands from regulatory bodies, including Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Gramm Leach Bliley (GLBA), the 21 CFR Part 11 regulations concerning IT controls, and others – now and soon to follow. They […]

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