Month: February 2009

Reporting on Microsoft license usage

We all know how important reporting can be to keeping software asset management in check. Microsoft does provide a Terminal Server License Reporting tool that is available from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Additionally, Microsoft provides a test tool that will provide the following information about a license: Issuer Scope Issued to computer Issued to user License ID Type and Version Valid From Expiration Date It’s obvious how important simple tools like this can be.  Although we recommend having […]

External connector licenses

In addition to per user and per device licenses with Windows 2003 Server, there is a third option called External Connector Licenses. Because per user and per device client access licenses (CALs) have to be assigned to a specific user account or device, this sometimes makes it difficult when companies would like to grant access to their servers to partners and/or clients. Whenever systems are extended to unknown users, an External Connector License can be purchased. These license options are […]

Negotiation tips for tough economic times part 2

We know how important saving money is right now. Here are some more negotiation tips for cost cutting: Maintenance – many software vendors will charge maintenance from the minute your contract is signed. Do your best to negotiate into the contract that maintenance can’t be charged until your system has gone live – this could save months and even years worth of charges. Market Yourself – to cut down on costs, agree to endorse your vendor’s product in exchange for […]

Quick Byte: Microsoft Licensing Tip # 16 – Processor Licenses

In addition to server licensers, you can’t forget the processor licenses. Each processor on a server that your software uses requires a separate license. For physical operating systems, each physical processor must be licensed. However, for virtual environments, only virtual processors the software uses must be licensed under Microsoft’s licensing terms and conditions. You do not need CALs or EC licenses because per-processor licensing allows any number of users to access the software from any number of devices. You may […]

Microsoft windows server client access licenses

We have addressed the three types of Windows 2003 Terminal Server licenses – per user, per device and external connector.  Now we need to mention (ah ha! The plot thickens!) that you will also need a standard Windows Server 2003 Client Access License (CAL). In order to legally access a terminal server, each client seat requires: Windows Server 2003 Client Access License and Windows Server 2003 Terminal Server Client Access License. A Server CAL will provide basic access, including the […]

Negotiation tips for tough economic times: part 1

We hear about cost-cutting and layoffs now on an hourly basis. Many of our clients are coming to us asking how they can re-negotiate their licensing contracts to cut costs. Since we are sure everyone reading this blog right now is in need of some cost cutting, here are some tips to help you negotiate with your software vendors. Know your stuff – make sure you know your contracts inside and out, so you know what has been working for […]

Quick Byte: Microsoft Licensing Tip # 15 – Device vs. User CAL

Device vs. User Client Access License With most products, you must acquire a license for each running instance of the server software you run on a server. There are two types of CALs: Device CALs and User CALs. Device CAL – Licenses a device for use by any user. User CAL – Licenses one user to use any device. Note: CALs are version specific. You must have CALs for the same version or later that the server software being accessed. […]

The BSA nabs a couple more

This time the poor saps were XMCO Inc., based in Michigan. They paid out $70,000 in a settlement for unlicensed copies of Adobe, Corel and Microsoft products. On top of the 70K, they agreed to delete all unlicensed copies of software on theircomputers, purchase any licenses necessary to become compliant, and commit to implementing stronger software license management practices. A more extreme case includes jail time. In Austin, Texas, a 24 year old was sentenced to three years in federal […]

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