Author: Sharon Trembley

Real-time Analytics

Relational databases have existed almost 50 years since IBM’s System R was built as a research project in San Jose. The Postgres research at UC Berkeley then added object concepts to relational databases. The still-popular open-source product, PostgreSQL, is an example of how powerful and relevant object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS) are. Other examples are Oracle Database, about to celebrate its 45th anniversary, along with Informix, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server. But relational databases are not suited to handle […]

Oracle Database Standard Edition High Availability

Oracle announced a High Availability option for use with Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 (SE2) beginning with version 19c.  So far, as of Release Update 19.7, Oracle has included these operating systems: Linux, Solaris, and Microsoft Windows.  More are planned in the future. Oracle customers can still use the maximum supported 16 CPU threads per instance during normal operations as well as Failover. Rather than using RAC as before, RACless version 19 SE2 customers can use free of charge storage […]

IBM Disaster Recovery States

The primary driver for licensing DR for IBM is the software title and version. There may be specific licensing rules for the software product, and those will override the general DR licensing rules. Before giving an example of specific software title examples, here are the standby states as IBM defines them: HOT – processing requests. Otherwise, known as Active-Active solution with logical replication. WARM – started but not processing requests. In other words, IDLE or Active-Passive solution like IBM’s PowerHA […]

Application Modernization

As mentioned in earlier blog posts I have written, modernizing applications in addition to creating new cloud-native applications is the underlying reason that cloud-computing, containers, and IBM/Red Hat are relevant. While chanting the ‘cloud first’ mantra, consider your strategy to adapt and migrate existing applications to the cloud also.  This is the ideal time to modernize these, especially with hybrid cloud or multiple cloud vendors. Rather than migrating to a specific service or one with poor integration that will hamper […]

What are Containers and Why should I care?

What are they? Have you seen all those photos of shipping containers?  That’s a good metaphor because shipping containers have a standard size.  For the purpose of this blog, a container is a standardized package of software with everything required to run that piece of software included in the container – code, runtime, system tools, and libraries. Who’s using them?  Containers are popular with application developers, including microservices.  Applications using containers are agile and portable.  Legacy applications can also be […]

Java Licensing for IBM

IBM, or other Vendor, Hardware and Software users may not be immune to Oracle Java changes The short of it:  If you have downloaded a version of Java from, it’s Oracle Java. Since January 2019, Oracle requires subscriptions for any updates, including security updates, for Oracle JDK.  Please refer to Miro’s previous blog post on Oracle’s announcement:  Java updates will require a Commercial License for Businesses after January 2019 In addition to Miro’s previous blog post, IBM made a […]

Edge Computing

Oh no.  Is this even a concept or some ‘edgy’ buzzword? Oh no – Edge Computing is real. Think of Edge Computing as optimizing data processing at the edge of the Cloud network near its data source, rather than in a data center. Today about ‘10% of enterprise-generated data is created and processed outside a traditional centralized data center or cloud.  By 2025, Garnet predicts this figure will reach 75%’.* Is Edge Computing worth it? One needs to consider what […]

Does IBM audit cloud?

There is a misconception that ‘IBM does not audit cloud’. This statement cannot be considered universal.  Cloud describes different services and cannot be simplified in such a fashion.  Let’s review what Cloud could be, and whether there is something to examine for licensing purposes. Software as a Service (SaaS) that is provided by IBM, such as IBM Analytics (Cognos), Bluemix, or API Connect.  IBM is aware of one’s usage of these software products because they host and invoice the client […]

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