

Cost Saving tips for hard times

Despite economic conditions, businesses still need services and still need to pay maintenance fees. Budgets are being cut, but many needs remain the same, prompting IT folks to scramble and figure out the best course of action. Here are some quick tips for negotiation that should help you get the most from your vendors: Don’t send in the accounting person – non-technical people should not do the negotiating; and don’t have your lawyer do it alone, either. The person that […]

A new free guide is out!

We had such positive feedback from clients and colleagues in the industry with our last free guide; we decided to publish a second on Software Asset Management Practices. The new white paper discusses the following: Understanding Oracle’s core licensing models 8 tips for effectively managing Oracle assets The discovery process: automated software asset management (SAM) solution Tactics for successfully negotiating with Oracle based on SAM best practices To get your copy send an email to

Knowledge is King for Software Licensing Contract Discussions!

We have a great series of Webinars in April and May. On April 21, we are co-presenting with ManageSoft on Oracle and Microsoft licensing and how knowledge is a critical factor during any software licensing contract discussions. We will discuss the discovery and inventory process for Oracle database instances and options, and explain how to establish a strong Vendor License Position. And, both companies will be presenting case studies. It’s sure to be a great discussion. Graeme Port, ManageSoft’s CTO […]

Microsoft Enterprise Agreement – To renew or not to renew? That is the question.

When the time comes and organizations are faced with their Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA) renewal decision, it’s always a fierce internal debate. The cost of a renewal can be significant and represents a huge chunk of any IT budget. The complexity of Microsoft licensing, not to mention the challenge of negotiating a new agreement, require that you have a clearly defined plan for the future. New implementations of virtualization and cloud computing will reflect the decision to renew or not, […]

Promotions! Promotions! Everywhere! And, it’s all coming from Microsoft

Most companies across the globe are suffering during the financial crisis, grasping on to their customers for dear life. With revenues down and companies holding onto any reserve finances they have, Microsoft has implemented a discount program for its larger customers – offering a 25 percent discount on its Enterprise Agreement (EA) volume licensing contracts. If you are an EA customer, you have until July 3rd to claim the discount on licensing and software assurance. Products affected are as follows: […]

A good dose of CYA

Software asset management involves staying on top of compliance. SOX compels CEOs and CFOs to attest to reporting clean financials and reporting material changes regularly. Here’s the gotcha moment: SOX also requires them to be compliant with copyright law, which is what gives teeth to vendor audits by the likes of Oracle, Microsoft, Adobe and many of our beloved enterprise software vendors. So in the spirit of CYA, ensure that you have what you need to be compliant. All leading […]

Waltham/Boston-area seminar on…Oracle licensing and optimizing SAM

I’m going to be in Waltham, MA on March 19 speaking alongside Judith Hurwitz of Hurwitz & Associates and Phil Philbin of VMware at the IT Economic Stimulus Plan: Optimized SAM and Smart License Management event (hosted by our alliance partner, ManageSoft ). Click here for event details including RSVP.

Reporting on Microsoft license usage

We all know how important reporting can be to keeping software asset management in check. Microsoft does provide a Terminal Server License Reporting tool that is available from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit. Additionally, Microsoft provides a test tool that will provide the following information about a license: Issuer Scope Issued to computer Issued to user License ID Type and Version Valid From Expiration Date It’s obvious how important simple tools like this can be.  Although we recommend having […]

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