


Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week • Computerworld: Microsoft vs. Apple: You do the math • eWeek: Red Hat adds top intellectual property lawyers • Los Angeles Times: Ex-CEO of Merisel is sued Jenson resigned from the software licensing firm in 2004 as the New York company, then based in El Segundo, sued him and others. • Bloomberg: TiVo Fourth-Quarter Loss Narrows; Hardware Costs Drop (Update2) TiVo continues to have software licensing discussions with other cable operators, Rogers said today in […]

A case of software licensing indemnification

Epicrealm is a former web acceleration company that stopped marketing and selling its products around 2003 filed lawsuits last year against a group of 13 companies including Safelite for allegedly infringing on two patents that cover the way in which many dynamic web pages are constructed and served. Although Oracle isn’t part of any of the lawsuits, the company supplies software that delivers dynamic web pages. Under the terms of its software license agreement, Oracle agrees to indemnify its customers […]

Hot List!

The BSA rampage seems to be a hot topic on our blog these past few weeks so I thought it would be of interest to add a “hot list” that I came across from EnterpriseITPlanet.com. This one was recently posted by the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), which has the same mission as that of the BSA. The list includes the most pirated software applications last year which they may consider “low hanging fruit” for 08 – beware! 2007 Software […]

The Supply Management Promise

We have long been a resource for Oracle software licensing to our clients.  From time to time, we get inquiries about other Oracle or software-related issues – anywhere from database management to what to do with the latest patches.  While we can answer some of these questions, it’s not really our area of expertise and that’s why we have formed alliances with other companies.  This year, we’ve decided to highlight our partners through various marketing activities including webinars.  We hope […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week ·         Silicon Republic Directors could be jailed for unlicensed software ·         Enterprise IT Planet Software Piracy Watchdogs Are on the Prowl ·       Infoworld Users fed up over software licensing, pricing tactics ·       Network World UK group: Software licensing is misleading consumers

Webinar Alert!

We are hosting another webinar and it’s coming up rather quickly – it will be held next Tuesday, March 4th, at 1:00 PM. This time around we will have a guest speaker, Paul Vallee, president of Pythian, to talk about Supply Management techniques for cost savings. Here is the link to register and more info below – “see” you there! The Supply Management Promise Date: March 4, 2008, 1 pm ET (60 minutes) Speaker: Paul Vallee, President, Pythian Businesses in […]

To Upgrade or not to Upgrade…

SearchOracle.com just wrote an interesting piece this week on the trials and tribulations of going through an upgrade process on existing enterprise software. Mark Brunelli emphasizes the importance of doing your research ahead of time – know what the new features are, or what features may have been done away with – before making the decision to upgrade. Just because it’s called an upgrade, doesn’t always mean that it will serve as an advantage to your business. Another important factor […]

Governance, risk and compliance….oh my!

Private and public sector executives alike are under pressure today to increase their understanding of governance, risk and compliance (GRC) issues -and their ability to respond to them. They are expected to deliver against a range of key performance indicators, including profitability, customer satisfaction, revenue growth, etc. And then there’s increasing demands from regulatory bodies, including Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), Gramm Leach Bliley (GLBA), the 21 CFR Part 11 regulations concerning IT controls, and others – now and soon to follow. They […]

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