Category: Microsoft Licensing Tip

Virtualization Rights: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise

The enterprise version of Windows Server 2008 differs from the Standard version because it grants you the right to run the software on one server in one physical operating environment with up to four simultaneous virtual environments instead of only one virtual environment.

Windows Server 2008 Licensing Tip: Storage

If your server is licensed, stored or non-running instances of Windows Server (and other Microsoft servers) do not need their own licenses (surprise!). The usage rights of your server license will permit you to store any number of instances under each license. This also includes any of your storage media (SAN) – but you must be sure they are non-running, otherwise you will be considered out of compliance, according to your Microsoft EULA. As long as your physical server is […]

What is a work at home license?

Employees opting to skip the commute and work from remotely have risen by 39% in the U.S. between 2006 and 2008 and corporations are starting to realize the cost savings. From a technology standpoint, setting up an employees at home (or at a location other than the corporate office) is rather simple – give them a laptop and an IP phone and no one is the wiser about where they are working from – whether wearing business casual at the […]

Virtualization Rights: Windows Server 2008 Standard

If you have Windows Server 2008 Standard version AND have assigned one license to the server, you are permitted to run the server software in one physical and one virtual operating system environment. If you run that software in additional locations (for example, on two virtual servers for one user), you will need additional licenses. Just a side note: You are permitted to run any prior versions of the server software using the Standard version.

What is Multiplexing?

There is often confusion around multiplexing and licensing, as some IT managers feel that the process will reduce the number of licenses that are required, when in fact, that is not the case. Multiplexing is used to pool connections, to re-route information, and reduce the number of devices or users that access or use products. It is sometime referred to as pooling as well. With Microsoft, multiplexing will not reduce the number of CALs required to access servers. Although it […]

Is the end of XP support going to help 7 succeed?

Most companies have a wait and see approach when a new operating system is launched. Where Windows 7 is concerned, we are not surprised to hear CIOs doing just that – with many of them saying clearly that they are going to wait 12 to 24 months before looking at an upgrade. They want to let the early adopters be the guinea pigs, so to speak. But, Microsoft is putting an end to support for XP – which many companies […]

Step-up your Microsoft licensing with Software Assurance

One of the major benefits customers have seen from Microsoft’s Software Assurance (SA) is the ability to migrate from a lower to higher edition software without incurring full licensing costs for both editions by using what is called a Step-up license.  In order to qualify for a step-up license you must be enrolled, with SA, in any of the following volume licensing programs: Open License Value, Select License, Select Plus, or Enterprise Agreement. There are also a few other stipulations […]

Microsoft: No transfer rights for OEM licenses (with one exception)

As mentioned in our previous blog about user rights, which has become a hot topic as many upgrade to the new Windows 7 platform, OEM licenses cannot be transferred from one PC to another. Therefore, they cannot be used to upgrade to a Windows 7 upgrade on another PC. OEM licenses are locked to the original PC it is installed on and cannot be transferred to any other PC. There is one exception: you can add Software Assurance to qualifying […]

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