Tag: Adobe

Cloudy with a Chance of Storms: Adobe Breach

With Adobe’s release of its Creative Cloud, news of a security breach couldn’t come at a worse time. Adobe’s focus is getting customer’s to buy into the cloud through its VIP license program. Adobe’s VIP license program is subscription based, this allows customers to stay cutting edge with receiving all of Adobe’s currently releases. Customer’s that chose not to go into the Creative Cloud, will stay at Creative Suite 6, without the ability to upgrade that version. Customers, if they […]

One Million Dollar Motivation…

BSA sure knows how to incentivize people to stamp out software pirates.  In an effort to capture these “pirates,” BSA announced the expansion of their $1 million dollar reward program to include the illegal sale of software over the Internet, such as auctions of unlicensed software. BSA has already paid out $58,000 in reward money to just 14 individuals who have reported software piracy.  A majority of the reporting comes from within an organization, from employees in their current or […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week · CRN Microsoft: Using Vista Loophole Is Cheating Scott Rosenberg, CEO of Miro Consulting, a Fords, NJ-based firm that specializes in licensing issues, acknowledges that technical loopholes in Microsoft … ·         Gotta Be Mobile Vista Upgrade Licensing Loophole Ed Bott has it totally right – just because the loophole is there, it doesn’t mean that everyone can take exploit it and stay within Microsoft’s licensing … ·         Redman Channel Partner Avistar’s Tale: Microsoft Shows Its […]

Brian Frank of Adobe Talks about Flash Lite 3

This is an interesting video from Beet.tv that talks about the licensing of Adobe’s Flash Lite 3 to Microsoft. Beet.tv interviewed Brian Frank from Adobe how Flash Lite enables viewing of Flash video on mobile phones, and subsequently, opens up doors for games and customized user interfaces. Microsoft’s multimedia platform has offered the promise of enabling these types of applications – which has attracted players like Adobe to their network. 450 million devices are now being shipped with Flash Lite […]

Remember: Mobile Devices Get Adobe & Is Subject to Software Licensing Too

Here is an interesting news item – Microsoft has licensed Adobe Flash Lite, specifically designed for mobile devices. They have also licensed Adobe Reader LE Software for viewing web content and email attachments. For those of you following the company’s plans – they had announced earlier this month that they would be releasing a rival to the Adobe product. Interesting turn of events. What does this mean in terms of licensing? Even your mobile phones can play a part in […]

Hot List!

The BSA rampage seems to be a hot topic on our blog these past few weeks so I thought it would be of interest to add a “hot list” that I came across from EnterpriseITPlanet.com. This one was recently posted by the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA), which has the same mission as that of the BSA. The list includes the most pirated software applications last year which they may consider “low hanging fruit” for 08 – beware! 2007 Software […]

BSA Gets another one!

Another “victim” of the BSA – a Denver, CO based door manufacturer was hit with over $92,000 to settle claims on unlicensed use of Microsoft and Symantec software. For a small local company that makes doors, that’s a serious amount of money to part with for something like this. According to the BSA, 35% of the software installed in 2006 was installed without legal licenses, amounting to nearly $40 billion in global losses because of software piracy and that 21% […]

Piracy Police could come knocking at your door!

Baseline Magazine recently published an informative article about what steps to take should you get an audit letter from the BSA. The process, as scary as it is, should be handled with care in order to come out with the smallest settlement possible, and avoid litigation if at all possible. What exactly is the BSA and what do they want with us? “The Business Software Alliance (www.bsa.org) is the foremost organization dedicated to promoting a safe and legal digital world. […]

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