Tag: BSA

Ballmer admits flaws in MS licensing, no change in sight

At a recent event in London, Steve Ballmer was asked about Microsoft’s complex licensing policies to which he acknowledged that yes, Microsoft licensing isn’t simple, never has been and probably never will be. So, is there a chance for changes in the near future? Nope, of course not!  Ballmer even bolded stated that it just isn’t going to happen. So, here’s our advice to combat this. Start paying attention to the fine print. Look at your terms and conditions. Be […]

Two more victims of the BSA

We have been giving many examples of companies that had to shell out to vendors after being audited and caught by the BSA. Most of them have been overseas so it didn’t hit as close to home as these next two examples will: Mueller Services, Inc., of Tonawanda, NY paid $62,270 to settle claims that it had unlicensed copies of Adobe and Microsoft software installed on its computers. The tip came in through the BSA’s reporting website anonymously. Bankers Warranty […]

$200 MM verdict against Microsoft stands; Company slapped with an additional $90+ million

  The $200 million jury verdict in the i4i-v-Microsoft patent infringement case still stands, but the Texas judge has added another $40 million+ in additional damages to be paid by Microsoft. US District Judge Leonard David upheld the decision against Microsoft and decided that the infringement was willful and ordered that additional compensation to i4i for damages – $37 million in post trial interest & $40 million in punitive damages. The judge has also ordered Microsoft to shutdown all sales […]

The BSA nabs a couple more

This time the poor saps were XMCO Inc., based in Michigan. They paid out $70,000 in a settlement for unlicensed copies of Adobe, Corel and Microsoft products. On top of the 70K, they agreed to delete all unlicensed copies of software on theircomputers, purchase any licenses necessary to become compliant, and commit to implementing stronger software license management practices. A more extreme case includes jail time. In Austin, Texas, a 24 year old was sentenced to three years in federal […]

We’re Gonna Getcha, Sucka!

We are always talking on this blog about the BSA and the importance of software licensing compliance.  Most people (you can substitute the word “people” with “company”) probably think that this is something that would never happen to them, shrug it off, and continue on as usual. Well, here is $50,000 reason to change your mind. Nels Consulting Services Inc., a 65-person office in Canada, was investigated by the BSA in September of last year over pirated MS and Autodesk […]

BSA hits Thailand

Ecotec – Economic and Technical Crimes Suppression Division – in Thailand has been urged to crackdown on software piracy by the BSA. It’s not just here in the states that audits are on the rise, but overseas companies are feeling it too. The crackdown will begin this month, and the organization will offer rewards up to 500,000 baht for tips of unlicensed software use. According to an IDC Study on the Economic Benefits of Reducing PC Software Piracy released in […]

BSA – Harassers?

We recently blogged about two UK companies – RedPC and Overclockers – getting in trouble with the BSA over alleged software piracy. CRN in the UK recently wrote a follow-up story to the original news report about the BSA‘s aggressive procedures claiming they were taking these companies to court for simply not filling in a form. As we have said before, being audited by a software vendor or an organization like the BSA is nothing to joke about – if […]

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