Tag: earnings

Similarities between Oracle and IBM CPU-based licensing

Is it still the same after Oracle has purchased Sun? One of the first things I noticed after the similarity between IBM and Oracle’s CPU-based software licensing – both base the licensing on cores – I noticed Oracle skews their software core factor table to favor Sun hardware. IBM doesn’t reduce the software licensing if a client runs their software on an IBM box.

Oracle licensing revenue up slightly is not a need to panic

So, I’ve waited until the reporters, stories, rumors and commentary has died down somewhat before weighing in on Oracle (ORCL, Fortune 500) third quarter earnings.  OK, so the numbers didn’t quite meet projected growth.  Did people really expect that to happen with today’s environment and Oracle aggressive acquisition strategy? The theory that companies will stop buying applications or “squeeze more” out of their current applications to save money is just not realistic. A company can stop buying new Oracle licenses, […]

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