Tag: Oracle audit

Preparing for an Oracle Audit

Here are some quick self audit tips should you ever be faced with an Oracle audit: 1. Proof of ownership– Collect all software licensing agreements (SLAs), invoices, and other renewal or procurement documentation. This paper trail will help in the audit process. 2. Measure your Oracle licensing usage– try to account for how often each Oracle product is used – including both typical usage and maximum usage – to ensure that the proper licenses have been purchased based on the […]

Week in Review (Around the World): The world of software licensing and compliance

In the News This Week ·         Asia Times Online: Microsoft plays cool after DVD blow Chairman Bill Gates stated that the concept should prevent learning barriers for students which would include high software licensing fees. ·         BusinessWeek: The Secrets of Microsoft’s Sync Adding to the cost are the licensing fees for Microsoft’s software, and the voice-recognition technology from software maker Nuance Communications (NUAN). Between hardware and software-licensing costs, and assuming the markup of three to four times cost typical to […]

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