Tag: Oracle licensing

Licensing Profit Margins to Implode?

Gartner analyst William Snyder addressed software licensing at the Gartner Emerging Technologies Conference a little over a week ago, highlighting that software profit margins will erode, pricing will increase, all due to the fact that only a few big players exist in the market creating a oligopoly. Software budgets are continually under pressure from CEOs hoping to use a large portion to invest in new technology, when in reality they end up blowing their whole budgets on maintenance and licensing fees. […]

Software Maintenance Fees on the Rise

SAP is raising its software maintenance fees for new customers.  No surprise there.  Soft maintenance fees are the life’s blood of enterprise software vendors.   It’s the recurring revenue these companies can count on.  Maintenance and support fees for software license(s) – whether it’s SAP, Microsoft or Oracle licensing – the average is about 20 to 25% (maybe even closer to 30% these days)  of the annual net license price .  Financial analysts have said that the recurring maintenance fees can […]

Microsoft Vista Loophole Hoopla

The big enterprise software licensing news last week came from the sensational story It’s official: upgrade hack included in Vista SP1 by Scott Dunn.  It’s hard to say if this is truly responsible journalism or now, but the story definitely has legs. Granted…software licensing is complex and can be difficult to interpret based on the ever-changing rules, but that’s no reason why these “Microsoft Windows experts” should purposely write a story that’s not quite accurate.   Dunn claims that there […]

Oracle licensing revenue up slightly is not a need to panic

So, I’ve waited until the reporters, stories, rumors and commentary has died down somewhat before weighing in on Oracle (ORCL, Fortune 500) third quarter earnings.  OK, so the numbers didn’t quite meet projected growth.  Did people really expect that to happen with today’s environment and Oracle aggressive acquisition strategy? The theory that companies will stop buying applications or “squeeze more” out of their current applications to save money is just not realistic. A company can stop buying new Oracle licenses, […]

Are consultants needed to negotiate enterprise software licensing?

Of course we’re going to say yes as Miro Consulting helps negotiate Oracle software licensing (and Microsoft too!).  But, we’ll try to be a bit more methodical about why you should hire an outside pro to help with license negotiation and software asset management. Remember that having a C-level executive – the CIO – devoted solely to IT is relatively new for businesses.  The last 7 or 8 years has seen an explosion of CIO titles.  But, nevertheless, the CIO […]

One-minute Oracle Licensing Tip: Modifications

If your enterprise has installed any Oracle applications (including Hyperion, Siebel, PeopleSoft, etc.), the following piece of information is important and should be kept in mind. Many Oracle applications come bundled with the following restricted use licenses: • Oracle Database Enterprise Edition; and • Oracle Internet Application Server Enterprise Edition ‘Restricted use’ means you cannot modify, alter, or otherwise change these underlying products. The intent of restricted use is that you employ -and deploy – these products “as is” and […]

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