Tag: software piracy

Microsoft licensing hack

It looks like there is a technical loophole that allows you to upgrade illegally. When Microsoft finally released Windows 7, there has been a lot of grumbling over Microsoft’s lack of direction on the upgrade process in the last few weeks from Microsoft Windows 7 testers. Microsoft does not allow an upgrade from the pre-release version of Windows 7 – e.g. Windows 7 Beta or Windows 7 Release Candidate – to Windows 7 RTM. In fact, when you try, you’ll […]

We’re Gonna Getcha, Sucka!

We are always talking on this blog about the BSA and the importance of software licensing compliance.  Most people (you can substitute the word “people” with “company”) probably think that this is something that would never happen to them, shrug it off, and continue on as usual. Well, here is $50,000 reason to change your mind. Nels Consulting Services Inc., a 65-person office in Canada, was investigated by the BSA in September of last year over pirated MS and Autodesk […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week • Computerworld: Microsoft vs. Apple: You do the math • eWeek: Red Hat adds top intellectual property lawyers • Los Angeles Times: Ex-CEO of Merisel is sued Jenson resigned from the software licensing firm in 2004 as the New York company, then based in El Segundo, sued him and others. • Bloomberg: TiVo Fourth-Quarter Loss Narrows; Hardware Costs Drop (Update2) TiVo continues to have software licensing discussions with other cable operators, Rogers said today in […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week ·         Silicon Republic Directors could be jailed for unlicensed software ·         Enterprise IT Planet Software Piracy Watchdogs Are on the Prowl ·       Infoworld Users fed up over software licensing, pricing tactics ·       Network World UK group: Software licensing is misleading consumers

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