Month: April 2008

How RFPs can help

When dealing with a vendor like Oracle, a simple way to get off on the right foot with your licensing agreement is to develop an RFP or a Request for Quotation that outlines your specific business needs. Any changes made in terms of your needs should be identified by the vendor and they should also provide cost differentials for each set of terms based on individual scenarios.  Getting the terms out of the way before you even choose a vendor […]

Work plan? What’s that?

Work plan?  What’s that? Two common questions that you’ll often find whenever companies are dealing with software licensing. Before entering into any contract with a software vendor it’s important to have a generic work plan that will guarantee that deliverables are met once your license agreement goes into effect. It’s important to have the immediate deliverables in writing as well as a schedule of items that need to be completed even after the contract is signed. The work plan will […]

SLAs – Why do they have to be so confusing?

Software Licensing Agreements, be it Oracle, Microsoft or Adobe, can at times read like a foreign language. We thought we would pass along some tips that can help when making a large software purchase. First and foremost, it’s almost always a mistake to accept the vendor’s standard agreement. The SLA should be specified to your business needs and as specific as possible – the standard agreement lacks a lot of this information – make the vendor work for your business […]

Licensing Profit Margins to Implode?

Gartner analyst William Snyder addressed software licensing at the Gartner Emerging Technologies Conference a little over a week ago, highlighting that software profit margins will erode, pricing will increase, all due to the fact that only a few big players exist in the market creating a oligopoly. Software budgets are continually under pressure from CEOs hoping to use a large portion to invest in new technology, when in reality they end up blowing their whole budgets on maintenance and licensing fees. […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week · IT Jungle Will Bloat and Complexity Get the Best of Windows? Probably NotSAP Raises Software Maintenance Fees for New Customers Microsoft’s licensing is too complex. Six different versions of Vista was about four too many and confused the marketplace. · National Post Four GTA businesses nabbed in anti-piracy software sting · CNET Blogs Argentina considering going 100% open source · Business Day Intellectual Property – Part 11 · CRN Federation to focus on business […]

41 Patches – OUCH!

I’m a little late to the Patch Tuesday party.  But with 41 patches available from Oracle including 17 for Oracle’s database product, we’ve been inundated with inquiries and busy at Collaborate 2008.  This is a big ouch for many companies!  If you want to read more: Oracle Plugs 41 Security Flaws SC Magazine Oracle closes 41 vulnerabilities, 17 in its database The Register Oracle patches ‘sitting duck’ database vulns eWeek Oracle Issues 41 Security Fixes in Latest CPU ZD […]

One Million Dollar Motivation…

BSA sure knows how to incentivize people to stamp out software pirates.  In an effort to capture these “pirates,” BSA announced the expansion of their $1 million dollar reward program to include the illegal sale of software over the Internet, such as auctions of unlicensed software. BSA has already paid out $58,000 in reward money to just 14 individuals who have reported software piracy.  A majority of the reporting comes from within an organization, from employees in their current or […]

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