Month: July 2011

Which browser is the most secure?

One good way to assess the security of a web browser is to see how it fares in testing against socially engineered malware. Why is this test important? Because socially engineered malware is the most significant internet threat today. A test performed by NSS labs in 2010 showed that Internet Explorer 8 offered the best protection against socially engineered malware. While Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple’s Safari browser have improved over time, IE has proven to be far superior […]

Risk Monitoring Growing Concern for CIOs

There are a large number of types of GRC software, with most of them focusing on one area of GRC. For a CIO, one of the biggest concerns over the past few years has been the growing number of compliance mandates. GRC tools that focus on the compliance part of GRC have turned out to be useful for many CISOs. CISOs have been able to take advantage of the structured enterprise -wide approach to regulatory compliance that’s made possible by […]

How to avoid data leakage on Android

Android phones all the rage, some even believe it will outpace the iPhone. As for me, being a security professional, I have my concerns. Many security researchers have demonstrated that almost every single Android Smartphone can leak login data for Google services – that’s a scary thought. The problem is due to the fact that the login tokens are sometimes sent in clear test over wireless networks, thus allowing hackers to grab these tokens and potentially cause mischief. This can […]

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages to ChromeBook?

For those of you thinking about purchasing a ChromeBook I thought I would share with you my list of advantages and disadvantages for this new piece of technology covering all aspects from security to functionality: Advantages: • Faster boot up times: ChromeBook boots up very fast. On the average, it boots up in 10 seconds. You can see the screen instantly switch on when you close and open it. • Better battery lifetime: The average battery lifetime is 8 hours, […]

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