Month: May 2016

Minimizing audit penalties with IBM

There are opportunities at every stage of an IBM audit to reduce the quantity of violations and amount of penalties you will owe. Here are some tips: ILMT report verification – If you’re running ILMT, verify the report. With the complexity of IBM software, their tool may not be reporting the correct number without some tweaks. The ILMT reports are simple to read once you get the tool up and running so it’s possible that you could be on top […]

IBM Audits in a changing environment

Between the time of the audit notification and the time for the discovery, how does IBM account for changes in the environments? The audit is done at a point in time. If you’re running ILMT, the tool is set up to report a high-water mark for the quarter. IBM and their auditor will see that – remember, you are asked to keep two years of reports on file for IBM’s use. If you do not run ILMT, the peak usage […]

Oracle applications: Any Good Discovery/Monitoring Tools Out There?

We certainly have received a lot of queries in the past year about monitoring tools and while there are some very interesting tools that seem to have reached some type of maturity out there, the simple fact is that no matter how wonderful the monitoring tool may be there simply is no tool out there that allows for comprehensive monitoring. Currently, there are no monitoring tools that consistently tracked all Oracle applications or even most Oracle applications from what we’ve […]

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