Month: July 2020

Work from Home Microsoft Licensing Compliance

Many organizations may not have considered the proper Microsoft licensing needed for remote workers. The idea of remote workers is not a new concept but some organizations still require most of their employees to work in corporate locations, and their licenses were purchased with that in mind. Server Licenses Most organizations license their Microsoft server products with per user Client Access Licenses. The per user option will allow users to access from corporate locations as well as remote access without […]

Oracle Database Standard Edition High Availability

Oracle announced a High Availability option for use with Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 (SE2) beginning with version 19c.  So far, as of Release Update 19.7, Oracle has included these operating systems: Linux, Solaris, and Microsoft Windows.  More are planned in the future. Oracle customers can still use the maximum supported 16 CPU threads per instance during normal operations as well as Failover. Rather than using RAC as before, RACless version 19 SE2 customers can use free of charge storage […]

IBM Disaster Recovery States

The primary driver for licensing DR for IBM is the software title and version. There may be specific licensing rules for the software product, and those will override the general DR licensing rules. Before giving an example of specific software title examples, here are the standby states as IBM defines them: HOT – processing requests. Otherwise, known as Active-Active solution with logical replication. WARM – started but not processing requests. In other words, IDLE or Active-Passive solution like IBM’s PowerHA […]

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