

Good time for companies to consider reviewing SLAs

The ending of a financial quarter or year-end have been traditionally good times to review and re-up software licensing agreements. Though not always the case, it is still a time when many SLAs are reviewed and discussed between the corporate enterprise and the software vendor. Dependent on the degree of concessions and “value-add” placed into your contract, the timing will make a difference. We’ve been encouraging many of our clients to begin reviewing their Oracle and Microsoft assets and SLAs now so that any contract […]

Incident Server Support – Going, Going, Gone!

Incident Server Support will no longer be offered for purchase by Oracle starting with the next Oracle fiscal year. However, clients will be able to renew packages already in place, but no new support contracts will be written after this June. While Incident Server Support does not replace a comprehensive support and maintenance program or include updates, it does offer an alternative, cost effective solution for technical support. It is available only in conjunction with the Premier Support for Oracle […]

7 reasons to take contract lifecycle management seriously

If you’re saying “huh?”, that’s not a good sign. Contract lifecycle management – similar in nature to software asset management and is, in fact, part of SAM – is the practice of managing a software license agreement contract from initiation through award to compliance and renewal. You need a good system in place to ensure that deliverables and milestones are reached based on contractual obligations. By having a solid process in place – whether you partner with an expert matter consultancy or […]

Hyperion pricing increases June

On June 1, 2009 Oracle will be licensing all purchases of Hyperion software under the standard Oracle licensing model. Under Hyperion’s old licensing model, multiple and complex pricing levels existed with separate pricing for items such as server fees, testing & development and various pricing for multiple user roles. Under the new model, Hyperion’s pricing will follow Oracle’s simpler licensing model. However, user licenses on Hyperion software will increase in price on June 1. If your organization currently has -and will continue […]

IBM Power6 – No more discounting with Oracle products

The latest Oracle processor core scaling factor table now rates an IBM Power6 processor at a scaling factor of 1.0 per core, which means no more 25 per cent discount on Power6 processor cores when it comes to Oracle products. The Power6 processor, launched initially in the summer of 2007, is a dual-core chip and design, just like its predecessors the Power5 and the Power5+ kicker. But the Power6 chip is said to have roughly twice the performance vis-à-vis the […]

Oracle and Sun – what will it mean for customers?

Looks like Ellison is going shopping again at bargain prices with Oracle‘s acquisition of Sun Microsystems. This could mean that Oracle is more in line with becoming a competitor to HP, even while touting a joint HP-Oracle Database Machine and Exadata Programmable Storage Server (only launched last year). With Sun, Oracle will get more from the business relationships to sell into customers it already knows and expand into organizations where it may not have a current footprint. But how will […]

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