

One Million Dollar Motivation…

BSA sure knows how to incentivize people to stamp out software pirates.  In an effort to capture these “pirates,” BSA announced the expansion of their $1 million dollar reward program to include the illegal sale of software over the Internet, such as auctions of unlicensed software. BSA has already paid out $58,000 in reward money to just 14 individuals who have reported software piracy.  A majority of the reporting comes from within an organization, from employees in their current or […]

Week in Review (Around the World): Software Licensing and Compliance

In the News This Week ·       CIO SAP Raises Software Maintenance Fees for New Customers ·       eWeek Report: Subscriptions to Surge for Open-Source Licensing ·      Search CIO Gartner: Windows heavyweight champ, but no longer nimble       ·     WTN News Beware vendor’s line in software licensing agreements Editor’s note: This is the first of several columns that will explore IT contracting best practices. Many negotiations for software licenses or system.       ·      Computing Software licensing models: virtualisation continues to make its … […]

Oracle to Release 40+ Patches on Tuesday

Oracle announced that it would release patches for a number of product including critical database fixes this coming week.  Oracle plans to release 40+ patches on Tuesday.  Security vulnerabilities addressed by this Critical Patch Update affect the following products: Oracle Database 11g, version Oracle Database 10g Release 2, versions, Oracle Database 10g, version Oracle Database 9i Release 2, versions, Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3), versions, Oracle Application Server 10g Release […]

Software Maintenance Fees on the Rise

SAP is raising its software maintenance fees for new customers.  No surprise there.  Soft maintenance fees are the life’s blood of enterprise software vendors.   It’s the recurring revenue these companies can count on.  Maintenance and support fees for software license(s) – whether it’s SAP, Microsoft or Oracle licensing – the average is about 20 to 25% (maybe even closer to 30% these days)  of the annual net license price .  Financial analysts have said that the recurring maintenance fees can […]

Redmond’s Reader Survey finds Microsoft Licensing Confusing to Most

Interesting study from Redmond Magazine’s current issue – they put together a reader’s survey on initial feelings towards Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and most importantly, Microsoft software licensing. Most interesting to us at Miro, a majority of readers said they planned to migrate to the new Windows Server in the near-term which means – keep an eye out for your Microsoft licensing, make sure everything is in order for the migration – avoid an audit at all costs! Another […]

Microsoft Vista Loophole Hoopla

The big enterprise software licensing news last week came from the sensational story It’s official: upgrade hack included in Vista SP1 by Scott Dunn.  It’s hard to say if this is truly responsible journalism or now, but the story definitely has legs. Granted…software licensing is complex and can be difficult to interpret based on the ever-changing rules, but that’s no reason why these “Microsoft Windows experts” should purposely write a story that’s not quite accurate.   Dunn claims that there […]

In Miami….

We just spent a long weekend in Miami and the NY Times Sunday, April 6th edition runs an article in their Travel section about Miami “Babylon on a Budget: A Weekend Challenge” by Matt Gross. His first paragraph is absolutely spot on and I will shamelessly quote it directly: “There’s a very fine line between tackiness and glamour, and in Miami Beach–itself a very fine strip of sand- that line sometimes vanishes. Is that maximum blonde’s minimal swimsuit cringe-making or […]

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