
Category: Enterprise Agreement

Step-up your Microsoft licensing with Software Assurance

One of the major benefits customers have seen from Microsoft’s Software Assurance (SA) is the ability to migrate from a lower to higher edition software without incurring full licensing costs for both editions by using what is called a Step-up license.  In order to qualify for a step-up license you must be enrolled, with SA, in any of the following volume licensing programs: Open License Value, Select License, Select Plus, or Enterprise Agreement. There are also a few other stipulations […]

Microsoft trying to push SA with Windows 7

It is no mystery that Microsoft has been making a big push with its latest OS and emphasizing new enterprise features such as Branch Cache and Direct Access to corporations in order to sell more units. The catch to having access to some of the new Windows 7 enterprise features (such as the two I mentioned) is that Microsoft requires the purchase of Software Assurance (SA) in order to get the Enterprise Edition. The requirement may be one of the […]

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