Tag: cloud

Will choosing Cloud hurt my licensing position with IBM?

Thinking about moving to the cloud and curious about its effect on your software license position with IBM? No need to worry, IBM will work with you.  The Cloud has a lot of flavors that might seem confusing, but if you understand what you are responsible for and how it’s deployed, you will not end up in a difficult situation with IBM down the road. Some things to consider: Make sure your cloud host will allow you to run ILMT. […]

Office 365 – Is it too Cloudy?

As of October 2013, Microsoft reports that 90 percent or more of its Office 365 business customers have been upgraded to the new underlying foundation of Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Lync Online. The upgrades for the remaining business customers are anticipated to be completed within the next several months. Many organizations are considering Office 365, including many small / medium-sized business – a group which comprises the lion’s share of Office 365 subscribers since June 2011. But there are […]

Microsoft Software Assurance

Today’s Microsoft Licensing Trends was issued recently by Miro Consulting, Inc., software asset management experts specializing in Oracle and Microsoft license agreements.

The 13-page report addresses technology trends that have changed the software ownership paradigm. Emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and virtualization, have further complicated licensing models with no end in sight. This paper will delve deeply into the trends affecting Microsoft licensing and provide critical advice to companies that wish to optimize their Microsoft investment.

Key areas discussed in-depth include:
• Microsoft Cloud Offerings
• Software Assurance
• Office 365 Licensing, Pricing and Considerations
• Pricing and Programs
• Product Use Rights

To obtain a copy of this report please visit http://bit.ly/l6HYhe.

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