Tag: Oracle license

Oracle License Compliance Issues Related to API Usage

Users who have no direct access may still need licenses, if they use a system that connects via an API APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are utilized in all applications to allow programmers to interface with other applications or devices. It is common for us to find organizations that have underestimated the software licensing impact of leveraging the APIs of their Oracle applications and products. Oracle applications typically utilize an “application user” metric. It is logical for organizations to only consider […]

Embedded versus Full Use Oracle License

There’s no technical difference between an embedded version of an Oracle license and a full use version of an Oracle license.  It’s essentially the same product.  The only difference is the licensing definition and rules that pertain to each.  When you purchase an Oracle license, you do not own the license; you just simply own the right to use the software in a very specific way.  When you have an embedded license versus a full use license, it’s the same […]

Do I pay for Oracle Software Development licensing?

I have recently been getting questions from clients and people counseling clients about licensing their development and non-production environment. Recently, a Miro retainer client hired IBM to do some consulting work for them in a development/non-production environment. IBM told the client that it did not need to have/purchase additional Oracle licenses for its 20+ consultants or the work they were proposing under a development/non-production encironment because the Oracle “Developer License” policy stated that licenses were not required. IBM even provided […]

What is Oracle Partitioning Option and why would I need it when I already own Oracle Database Enterprise Edition?

Oracle Partitioning Option is a separately licensed option of Oracle Database that is only available with the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database. The Partitioning option for Oracle Database 11g offers the widest array of partitioning methods available, including interval, reference, list, and range.

Technically Speaking, Your Oracle Licensing is Out of Compliance!

It is very important that Oracle users do not judge their state of license compliance from Oracle White Papers. Oracle White Papers are technical documents created by Oracle folks that are not licensing people. It is very common to find the terms: failover, standby and backup, used to describe different technical configurations of Information Technology products. Those are commonly used technology terms that imply uses that may invoke a universal understanding among technical people, but they do not necessarily represent […]

Similarities between Oracle and IBM CPU-based licensing

Is it still the same after Oracle has purchased Sun? One of the first things I noticed after the similarity between IBM and Oracle’s CPU-based software licensing – both base the licensing on cores – I noticed Oracle skews their software core factor table to favor Sun hardware. IBM doesn’t reduce the software licensing if a client runs their software on an IBM box.

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