Tag: Oracle Standard Edition

Licensing Oracle in Windows Azure

Microsoft and Oracle have an enterprise partnership that will allow their customers to run Oracle software on Windows Server Hyper-V and in Windows Azure. Customers will be able to deploy Oracle software — including Java, Oracle Database and Oracle WebLogic Server — on Windows Server Hyper-V or in Windows Azure and receive full support from Oracle. This essentially makes the Windows Azure platform the equivalent of Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud or the EC2 environment and it makes Azure an alternative to the EC2 environment.

Quick Byte: Oracle Licensing Tip #3

Though Named User Oracle licensing isn’t available to new contracts anymore, companies still maintain and renew their Named User Oracle license agreements. Named User Plus Licensing….means you pay per named user, NOT concurrent user. Named User licensing limited the number of authorized Oracle individuals on a specified computer. Oracle licensing models for Named User Plus require you to adhere to the following Oracle user minimums: · Oracle Database SE ONE: 5 Named User Plus licenses · Oracle Database SE: 5 […]

Quick Byte: Oracle Licensing Tip #1

According to Oracle licensing rules, multi-core processors are to be counted as a single CPU in Standard Edition products. However for the Enterprise edition, the Oracle licensing rule is different…each core will be counted as a separately, but with pricing discounts. Recently, on a Pythian Group blog, Mark Brinsmead smartly pointed out that recent changes to Oracles licensing rules for the Standard Edition may result in higher pricing. He rightly pointed out that “When licensing Oracle programs with Standard Edition […]

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