

Microsoft upgrade trick could save $$$

Just when you think you have everything in order, another new Microsoft release comes out and you are faced with the decision of whether or not to upgrade or just stick with what you have installed. The option of upgrading to the new Office 2010 has many organizations pondering whether or not they really need it, and can sacrifice the costs to do so, especially considering the current economic climate.

Miro Consulting supports Multiple Sclerosis

We’re a company that believes in actions speaking louder than words. Over the last few years, Miro has supported the Multiple Sclerosis Bike Ride fundraiser (May 22 in West Long Branch, NJ) through a financial donation and through deed – by riding alongside the dear friend of Eliot Colon (Miro’s president and foremost recognized expert on Oracle licensing) – Joe Martz. We happily sponsor all Miro employees who want to ride with us and there were many! To donate to […]

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