Tag: Microsoft licensing

Downgrading from Windows 8 and Software Licensing

Unhappy with Windows 8? Hoping to downgrade to Windows 7? There are a few things you should know before trying to do this. Know your downgrade rights – for volume licensing programs, therein lies the most flexibility. You should be able to downgrade to any previous version of the product. OEM licenses are a bit more complex. Professional versions have rights to downgrade to the two previous versions only. You also have to be aware of your edition downgrade rights, […]

Office 365 for Consumers: What You Need to Know

Although Microsoft Office 365 for businesses isn’t out until later this month – the consumer version – Home Premium – is available now. How does that affect your business? Well, any employee who has Home Premium (which includes Outlook and Access), and uses a computer with this version installed, that connects to corporate email or databases, is misusing the license. The Home Premium license does not cover these instances. Specifically, it says” Only one person at a time may use […]

Microsoft Software Assurance

Today’s Microsoft Licensing Trends was issued recently by Miro Consulting, Inc., software asset management experts specializing in Oracle and Microsoft license agreements.

The 13-page report addresses technology trends that have changed the software ownership paradigm. Emerging technologies, such as cloud computing and virtualization, have further complicated licensing models with no end in sight. This paper will delve deeply into the trends affecting Microsoft licensing and provide critical advice to companies that wish to optimize their Microsoft investment.

Key areas discussed in-depth include:
• Microsoft Cloud Offerings
• Software Assurance
• Office 365 Licensing, Pricing and Considerations
• Pricing and Programs
• Product Use Rights

To obtain a copy of this report please visit http://bit.ly/l6HYhe.

Microsoft upgrade trick could save $$$

Just when you think you have everything in order, another new Microsoft release comes out and you are faced with the decision of whether or not to upgrade or just stick with what you have installed. The option of upgrading to the new Office 2010 has many organizations pondering whether or not they really need it, and can sacrifice the costs to do so, especially considering the current economic climate.

What’s the biggest Microsoft licensing issue?

Boy! We get this question all the time. Cost. The cost- Enterprise Agreement, in particular – has come under increased scrutiny during the recent economic stress. Both IT and Financial executives are questioning the value of their licensing and support dollars. This scrutiny is not lessening as businesses respond to the economic recovery and start to move forward with new applications and systems requiring new infrastructure and software. If anything, it may be increasing. Clients are – and should be […]

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