Month: December 2021

Microsoft Azure Integration Services

By now, the ideas of virtualization, the cloud, and connected applications are mature. While the providers of these solutions try to get you to come to them, there is something holding this endeavor back. Perhaps, it’s security. And we’ve covered that. To recap, many cloud-based services are even more secure than your own set up. They must be. Because beyond the financial harm that could come their way, there is ever present risk to their reputation should their services be […]

How Supply Chain Shortages May Affect Software Licensing and Put You at Risk

One of Miro’s clients recently asked us to review a purchasing option they were given by their hardware vendor. Miro was recently asked by one of our clients to look at a deal their hardware vendor was offering.  The client wanted to buy 8 core servers, but do to supply chain issues, the hardware vendor didn’t have any to sell.  Instead, the vendor offered to sell the client 16 core bare metal servers for the same price of the smaller […]

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