

Similarities between Oracle and IBM CPU-based licensing

Is it still the same after Oracle has purchased Sun? One of the first things I noticed after the similarity between IBM and Oracle’s CPU-based software licensing – both base the licensing on cores – I noticed Oracle skews their software core factor table to favor Sun hardware. IBM doesn’t reduce the software licensing if a client runs their software on an IBM box.

Downgrading from Windows 8 and Software Licensing

Unhappy with Windows 8? Hoping to downgrade to Windows 7? There are a few things you should know before trying to do this. Know your downgrade rights – for volume licensing programs, therein lies the most flexibility. You should be able to downgrade to any previous version of the product. OEM licenses are a bit more complex. Professional versions have rights to downgrade to the two previous versions only. You also have to be aware of your edition downgrade rights, […]

New Sparc and Oracle begins to shift to single chip architecture

Oracle is expected to gradually converge its two Unix server families onto its own Sparc processor design. Oracle has announced a batch of servers based on new Sparc processors and in the process has begun an expected shift toward converging its two families of Unix servers onto a single chip architecture. Oracle sells two lines of Unix servers, the T-series, based on the Sparc processors it designs in-house, and the higher-end M-series. Oracle announced the first M-series server designed by Oracle and based on one […]

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