

What would the blind maiden of justice say about 3rd party support?

Round and round the merry-go-round we go. Oracle is suing former partner CedarCrestone, similar to the accusations Oracle took against SAP, TomorrowNow & Rimini Street. Oracle is suing CedarCrestone for breach of contract, unfair competition and copyright infringement (the latter being the biggest no no with any software vendor). Rimini Street is also being sued by Oracle for similar issues. In the case of SAP’s TomorrowNow, Oracle was awarded $1.3 billion in 2010 only to have a judge set aside […]

Difference btwn Oracle’s Exadata and Exalogic – clarification

In a previous blog post entitled Difference between Oracle’s Exadata and Exalogic, there seemed to be some confusion on the actual prepackaged box and the licensing model. We have sought to clarify this by adding a brief explanation (as seen in bold): Difference between Oracle’s Exadata and Exalogic Oracle Exadata (Oracle Exadata Database Machine) is strictly a data processing solution offered by Oracle. Initially conceived and promoted as a solution for mainly large data warehouse data load processing, Oracle now […]

Oracle discloses paying a blogger

Oracle had claimed $1bn in damages from Google after claiming the search giant had used its technology to create the Android operating system. The suit was dismissed, although Oracle plans to appeal. Oracle revealed ‘relationships’ with blogger Florian Mueller of the FOSS patents website and Stanford University professor, Paul Goldstein.   Read more.

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