Category: Managed Services

Oracle License Services: Spending Money to Save It

Oracle licenses cost money. It can be a lot of money, too. So much so that companies are sometimes reluctant to invest in expert consulting services to help maintain licensing compliance simply because they have already spent enough on the software itself. But sometimes a company needs to spend money in order to save it. This is especially true when it comes to Oracle audit defense and other Oracle license management services. As a business owner or executive, you know […]

A Basic Introduction to Java’s Per Employee Metric

Java compliance took an interesting turn last January when Oracle dispensed with its old licensing model in favor of a new per employee model. They introduced a per employee metric that simplifies licensing but likely raises the cost of using Java Standard Edition (SE) for most companies. Miro’s Java compliance services include a friendly Java license review that helps companies fully comply with the per employee metric. Compliance is no joke. Being found out of compliance could lead to hundreds […]

The Oracle License Review: Because Licensing Is Complicated

We often say that Oracle’s software licensing rules are complex and nuanced. But even our description doesn’t quite do justice to the rules. They are extremely complicated and subject to frequent changes based on both technical and non-technical developments. For this reason alone, we recommend conducting an Oracle license review from time to time. As Oracle licensing experts, we can assist you in this endeavor. We make it our business to stay abreast of any and all changes in Oracle […]

Miro Consulting Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Miro ConsultingĀ marks its 20th anniversary this year and is celebrating by launching a new Managed Services for Oracle Licensing service. Miro is a leading global provider of software asset management services, specializing in license management, audit advisory, negotiation tactics, support management, and cloud services. We help our clients maximize ROI on their software license investments, stay in compliance, and minimize the impact of audits. Miro’s performance guarantee promises that our long-tenured, diverse, and passionate team of expert analysts provides insightful […]

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