
Category: software asset management

How auto renewal and misinterpretation of the terms and conditions of support renewals can affect your SLA

Auto renewal on your maintenance and support agreements need to be closely monitored.

Microsoft upgrade trick could save $$$

Just when you think you have everything in order, another new Microsoft release comes out and you are faced with the decision of whether or not to upgrade or just stick with what you have installed. The option of upgrading to the new Office 2010 has many organizations pondering whether or not they really need it, and can sacrifice the costs to do so, especially considering the current economic climate.

In the Multi-core era, software runs behind hardware

A few inquiries came in from my April 30 vlog on Multicore: Hardware is running ahead of software regarding per-socket pricing, the new multi-cores and some additional thoughts. For all those who asked (as well as those who didn’t), ComputerWorld’s Patrick Thibodeau wrote a piece – In Multi-Core Era, Per-Socket Pricing Faces Challenges – that had us all thinking.

Video: Speculation on Sun-Oracle merger

While some information on Oracle’s acquisition of Sun has been made public, there are still a number of unanswered questions – one of them being about licensing. While we don’t have any more information on this, but we’re speculating that it can be a very sweet deal for the right company.

ERP survey of the month

Our friends at Software Advice are running a quick survey about ERP implementation strategies to try and gauge what is the most popular and successful strategies out there. Click here to take the survey. We encourage you to fill it out – it’s only four questions and will provide insight for all of out there with the same questions regarding ERP implementation. You can also read Houston Neals’ Guide to ERP Implementation Methodology from March 11.

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