Category: Third Party Support

The 7 Most Common Oracle Support Management Mistakes

Managing Oracle Support contracts is costing your organization time and resources that may be better spent elsewhere. 1. Overpayment of fees It’s easy to accidentally over pay for support fees if each line item isn’t carefully reviewed. Errors can be made in the costs from year to year. To avoid overpaying, organizations must meticulously check every detail of the contract. 2. Submitting incorrect contracts There is no verification when uploading POs. This can lead to accidentally renewing a contract which […]

3rd Party Support

From OracleConnection and our very own Eliot Arlo Colon. Miro is asked all of the time about options outside of Oracle provided support.  Clients are constantly seeking alternatives to the 22% of license fee Oracle charges for annual support renewals.  Clients maintain several reasons to look at alternatives, including ‘budgetary constraints, escalation of costs (annual uplifts), ROI, customer sat issues related to support or just plain old ‘due diligence’’. Keep in mind that its ‘buyer beware’ when it comes to […]

What would the blind maiden of justice say about 3rd party support?

Round and round the merry-go-round we go. Oracle is suing former partner CedarCrestone, similar to the accusations Oracle took against SAP, TomorrowNow & Rimini Street. Oracle is suing CedarCrestone for breach of contract, unfair competition and copyright infringement (the latter being the biggest no no with any software vendor). Rimini Street is also being sued by Oracle for similar issues. In the case of SAP’s TomorrowNow, Oracle was awarded $1.3 billion in 2010 only to have a judge set aside […]

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