

Office 365 – Is it too Cloudy?

As of October 2013, Microsoft reports that 90 percent or more of its Office 365 business customers have been upgraded to the new underlying foundation of Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Lync Online. The upgrades for the remaining business customers are anticipated to be completed within the next several months. Many organizations are considering Office 365, including many small / medium-sized business – a group which comprises the lion’s share of Office 365 subscribers since June 2011. But there are […]

Licensing the Internet of Things

The “Internet of Things” – eventually to be followed by the “Internet of Everything” – brings about the potential for enterprise software to be used by a vast new array of access points. With this comes licensing challenges and expense on a far grander scale. Organizations can opt to license enterprise software by user. For Oracle technology products such as Database or WebLogic, this is the “Named User Plus” metric. For Microsoft’s server software such as Exchange Server or SQL […]

Enact and Redact: Data Redaction feature of Oracle Advanced Security Enterprise Option in 12c

With today’s growing concerns regarding the security on BYO devices (BYOD) such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops; it is critical to ensure sensitive data is not exposed. Enacting security policies and procedures that help remove or reduce these concerns is mandatory in today’s world. Data Redaction is a new feature of the Oracle Advanced Security Enterprise Option introduced with version 12c. It is still a feature that must be licensed separately from Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 12c, but it goes […]

Cloudy with a Chance of Storms: Adobe Breach

With Adobe’s release of its Creative Cloud, news of a security breach couldn’t come at a worse time. Adobe’s focus is getting customer’s to buy into the cloud through its VIP license program. Adobe’s VIP license program is subscription based, this allows customers to stay cutting edge with receiving all of Adobe’s currently releases. Customer’s that chose not to go into the Creative Cloud, will stay at Creative Suite 6, without the ability to upgrade that version. Customers, if they […]

Technically Speaking, Your Oracle Licensing is Out of Compliance!

It is very important that Oracle users do not judge their state of license compliance from Oracle White Papers. Oracle White Papers are technical documents created by Oracle folks that are not licensing people. It is very common to find the terms: failover, standby and backup, used to describe different technical configurations of Information Technology products. Those are commonly used technology terms that imply uses that may invoke a universal understanding among technical people, but they do not necessarily represent […]

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