Category: IBM

IBM Audits: Being Found Out of Compliance Could Be Expensive

An IBM audit is inevitable for any organization that uses the company’s software. IBM audits customers every three to four years like clockwork. Here’s the thing: being found out of compliance could get very expensive rather quickly. It pays to be proactive about internal IBM audit defense and license management to guarantee your company is fully in compliance when that next audit comes. Every IBM audit begins with a letter “invoking IBM’s right to audit, which is detailed in the […]

IBM’s Announcement on Oracle’s DBSE2

In December of 2022, it was announced that IBM has “… a high-density 24-core processor for the IBM Power S1014 system (MTM 9105-41B) to address application environments utilizing an Oracle Database with the Standard Edition 2 (SE2) licensing model.”[1] There are two (2) fallacies with taking this announcement at face value: First, there is the constraint that “Oracle Database Standard Edition 2 may only be licensed on servers that have a maximum capacity of 2 sockets.”[2] So, if there is […]

Real-time Analytics

Relational databases have existed almost 50 years since IBM’s System R was built as a research project in San Jose. The Postgres research at UC Berkeley then added object concepts to relational databases. The still-popular open-source product, PostgreSQL, is an example of how powerful and relevant object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS) are. Other examples are Oracle Database, about to celebrate its 45th anniversary, along with Informix, IBM DB2, and Microsoft SQL Server. But relational databases are not suited to handle […]

Miro Consulting Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Miro Consulting marks its 20th anniversary this year and is celebrating by launching a new Managed Services for Oracle Licensing service. Miro is a leading global provider of software asset management services, specializing in license management, audit advisory, negotiation tactics, support management, and cloud services. We help our clients maximize ROI on their software license investments, stay in compliance, and minimize the impact of audits. Miro’s performance guarantee promises that our long-tenured, diverse, and passionate team of expert analysts provides insightful […]

How Oracle Licensing Is Affected By Current Business / Industry / Technology Changes

Now more than ever decision makers are faced with difficult choices. A number of factors may be affecting your business, including loss of revenue due to pandemic, shift to remote collaboration, pressure to move to the Cloud, and striving to stay on top of industry and technology changes. Most of these decisions would likely have software licensing implications. Here are a few examples: Move to the Cloud: When choosing between on-premise, hardware hosting provider or Cloud platform, a proper comparison […]

8 Signs You’re About To Be Audited For Non-Compliance

Oracle Software Audits, Microsoft Software Audits and IBM Software Audits can be challenging, time consuming and expensive.  Preparation is the key factor.  If these items apply to your organization, it’s likely you could soon be audited for non-compliance. 1. Merger, Acquisition or Divestment Software companies like Oracle, Microsoft and IBM know that tracking software assets can be difficult during a merger, acquisition or divestment. When databases get merged and assets combined, licenses are often the last thing on IT staff’s […]

IBM Disaster Recovery States

The primary driver for licensing DR for IBM is the software title and version. There may be specific licensing rules for the software product, and those will override the general DR licensing rules. Before giving an example of specific software title examples, here are the standby states as IBM defines them: HOT – processing requests. Otherwise, known as Active-Active solution with logical replication. WARM – started but not processing requests. In other words, IDLE or Active-Passive solution like IBM’s PowerHA […]

What are Containers and Why should I care?

What are they? Have you seen all those photos of shipping containers?  That’s a good metaphor because shipping containers have a standard size.  For the purpose of this blog, a container is a standardized package of software with everything required to run that piece of software included in the container – code, runtime, system tools, and libraries. Who’s using them?  Containers are popular with application developers, including microservices.  Applications using containers are agile and portable.  Legacy applications can also be […]

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